Late in the evening of April 17th, new sounds could be heard emanating from the surrounding mesquite bosque. Barely audible but familiar from prior years, the sounds were raspy, tremulous, unique. They were the first thin cries of hatchling ravens, born to none other than our pair of resident Chihuahuan ravens, Mike and Mavis. This new brood marks their seventh successful nesting on our property and their first in the new nest (described in my previous blog post). As always, we are honored to share habitat with these regal birds. We look forward to watching them raise and teach their young. Few North American birds spend as much time rearing and educating their young as ravens do.

The past year has been the driest I have ever witnessed in southeastern Arizona. Last year’s crucial summer rains barely happened here in the Middle San Pedro River Valley, and the following winter rains were extremely sparse. The landscape is desperately dry, even for a desert, so signs of spring have been more welcome than ever. One of them appeared several weeks ago when a black swallowtail flew in to get a drink from a muddy patch of soil near one of our bird water dishes. Butterflies play very important roles in the ecology of this ecosystem. They grace our lives with their flight and their remarkable beauty.

Another sign of the changing seasons was the emergence of a beetle known as the fiery searcher. Just over an inch in length, these beetles display gorgeous coloration; an indigo-purple head, thorax, and legs with emerald green, iridescent elytra (wing coverings). This marked the first time that I have ever encountered this species here in a mesquite woodland. Usually, I find them in the riparian cottonwood-willow forests along the San Pedro River.

Another certain sign of spring is the emergence of reptiles. A few weeks ago, I had a surprise when I retrieved a wheelbarrow from an open shed. I always keep wheelbarrows flipped over so that rain water cannot accumulate inside and rust them out. When I flipped the wheelbarrow over, here is what I found…

I have found rattlesnakes under my wheelbarrows more than once in the past. All snakes – including rattlesnakes – are always welcome on our land. We never kill them. Once in a rare while, I will capture and move one to a safer locale, but usually I simply let them be, like this one. I do my best to respect all life!

Yesterday, another sign of spring showed up nearby, a beautiful glossy snake. They are among the most common snakes in local mesquite bosques. Glossy snakes can reach lengths approaching four feet and feed on mice, kangaroo rats, lizards, and other snakes.

The local stands of mesquite furnish very high quality firewood in addition to providing crucially important habitat to numerous wildlife species. Recently, a dead mesquite was felled here on our place that was threatening to crush one of our buildings if it were allowed to fall naturally. I sawed it into firewood. Other dead trees are left standing, for they are very important to many living creatures and to the health of the soil that they will eventually become a part of.

WOW!!! Wonderful to get this! The other day I helped a three-foot gopher snake move off of our road into the chamisa at the side bank, telling it as I moved it along that the road was not a good place to hang out. And yes, thank heaven for wood stoves. A great winter pleasure is chopping kindling and medium sized pieces, then bringing it all in with the larger pieces to feed our, now 50-year old Jotul, a far superior way to heat the main part of the house than any gas stove could ever be. And helping my friend Eric Sena, from an old Hispanic family from Pecos, unload and stack the two cords of pine he brings me each fall; a rich time to catch up and share..
I am so glad to be on your blog-list. Thank you! Luisa Baldinger, Santa Fe
I loved what you wrote Lisa, thank you!
It is so rare to find other people who
not only refuse to run over snakes with their
vehicles, but also get out to help them off of
roadways. Snakes are such frequent recipients
of ignorance and abject cruelty from humans.
Thank you for your kindness and I am happy
that you are interested in my blog!
Ralph Waldt
Thank you for the beautiful descriptions of creatures, landscape, seasons and life.
Thank you Erin! I’m gald that you like my blog.
Enjoyed reading your new article. Mike and Mavis have ravenous appetites lately, they visit my bosque at least three times a day. I leave them leftover treats, knowing that they are feeding their up & coming fledglings.
It is wonderful to have neighbors who appreciate ravens
instead of reaching for a shotgun. Thanks, Gilbert.
Thank you very much for this recent post. I’d not heard of nor seen a glossy snake – now I know.
Oh the Fiery Searcher! Mother Nature knows no color restrictions..nor should she!
You are welcome, Anna.
Color enriches our lives so deeply.
It is so reassuring to see the valley’s mesquites
greening up this spring!