The Middle San Pedro Valley sprawls across nearly one million acres of undeveloped, unfragmented land in southeastern Arizona. Its slopes and woodlands, bajadas and ridges have been rimed with frost every dawn under the abbreviated touch of winter’s Sun. Days are short. The land stands hushed and still with its seasonal absence of many birds, reptiles, and other forms of life. Nonetheless, there are many good reasons to get outside and walk the land. January and February have brought a few surprises, particularly in the way of unexpected sightings of locally uncommon birds.
In late January, five purple finches began frequenting our bird feeders, thinking they were well concealed within mobs of house finches and lesser goldfinches. My wife’s sharp eyes picked them out of the crowd. In 20+ years of avian record keeping in this valley, that was the first time we had ever seen purple finches. Another species that has been sighted sparingly here during the winter months is the American robin. For reasons that remain a mystery to me, we have been inundated with robins this winter. They bring me many fond memories of their near-constant presence during past summers when I lived in the northern states.
Speaking of thrushes, another bird that I had never seen in the valley before has arrived to grace the nearby riverbottom woodlands this winter – a Townsend’s solitaire. A friend and neighbor, Tom Talbott, first sighted one about a week ago in the forests along the river not far from our home. Tom is a highly skilled birder and a masterful wildlife photographer. A few days later, walking the same reaches of the river, a friend and I also saw a solitaire. News has been spreading of numerous sightings of this species in areas just a few dozen miles to the north.
Arizona’s spectacular monsoon season is in full swing this year. Here in the Middle San Pedro River Valley, we have received 7.28 inches of life-giving rain during the past seven weeks. Life of all kinds is emerging, much of it empowered by this season alone.
The strikingly beautiful Gila monster pictured above was photographed by my wife Kathleen just days ago. (One more reminder to my readers: if you don’t see that image, it is because you are viewing this in your email. Always go to my blog site – – to see this post as I intended it, without omissions.) It is one of many desert animals whose activity increases or otherwise changes as a result of monsoon weather.
The world we live in has been under deep duress this past year; the global pandemic, political division, economic hardship, and numerous worldwide catastrophes have all combined to make many people feel stressed and depressed. That is the anthropocentric world. A wider view – beyond the human-centric world that we pay so much attention to – encompasses the rest of the planet’s glorious and infinitely varied life. When I feel overloaded after viewing the day’s headlines, I can always find a source of solace, reassurance, and joy simply by abandoning the vicarious, shallow world of my computer screen in favor of the outdoor world. All it takes is a few steps outside. Sunlight, vivid green plants, lizards, trees, bird song, fresh air… the real world is medicine for the soul.
One does not need to live in a rural area like I do in order to tap into the natural world. I have a friend who lives in suburbia, along the fringes of the immensity known as Dallas-Fort Worth. He spends time in his backyard where trees, shrubs, and a garden bring life and happiness into his world. There are no bears, cougars, or Gila monsters in his yard like there are here – but there is a diverse variety of life. My friend focuses his attention on smaller creatures and other forms of life; insects, lizards, and flowering plants, for example. He photographs what he sees – things that most people never even notice. The photographs from his back yard are often stunning, revealing a world remarkably rich in life captured by a talented, artistic photographer whose sharp observational skills remind us that life is everywhere, and that life is beyond beautiful.
With those thoughts in mind, I offer a series of recent images taken during the heart of the monsoon season here in the Middle San Pedro Valley of southeastern Arizona…
Mid-to-late summer is the most exciting time of year to be in southeastern Arizona; it is, by far, my favorite of the five seasons here. Locals know this time as the monsoon season, or simply, “the monsoon.” In a normal year, the majority of annual precipitation occurs during this time. Unfortunately, there were virtually no monsoon rains here in the Middle San Pedro Valley during the past two summers, resulting in a barren and desperately dry landscape. Thankfully, this summer has brought the gift of rain back to the land, with 3.38 inches falling at our location since early July, with more in the forecast. The result has been an explosion of life, much of which cannot be witnessed at any other time of year.
The tiny desert cottontail pictured at the top of this post is one of summer’s products. (A reminder to my readers: If you don’t see that image, it is because you are reading this in your email. Please click on the blog title to be redirected to my blog site (, where you will see the featured image at the top of each post, and more that is not included in the email version).
Rabbits, (as opposed to hares – e.g., snowshoe hares or misnamed “jackrabbits”) raise their young in burrows and feed them milk for 3-4 weeks. After that time, the young rabbits are weaned and can leave the family group. This one was out exploring the world on its own for the first time. It was tiny enough to have fit comfortably in my cupped hand, and surely held a patent for cuteness.
The first substantial rain of the monsoon season catalyzes desert life. Harvester ants (and other types of ants) wait for that particular rain to enable the most important annual event in their lives. In early summer, the ants produce legions of special individuals deep underground, individuals equipped with wings. Their purpose is to reproduce and disperse across the landscape. The day after the first rains, tremendous numbers of winged male and female ants flood from their nests to mate, rise by the thousands into the air, and fly away. This is a true spectacle to behold, an event that typically can be seen on only one day of each year. Freshly inseminated females (queen ants) quickly dig out a new nest and begin to lay eggs, thus founding new colonies.
So why the big deal about ants? If I were asked to name some of the most critically important players in this ecosystem, ants would be at or very near the top of the list. They are extremely numerous – they mix tons upon tons of soil – they disperse large quantities of seeds – and they aerate the soil, allowing for better gas exchange from atmosphere to soil, along with enhanced rain percolation into the soil. These points do not tell the full story of how ants are crucial to ecosystems, but they do serve to shed light on their exceptional ecological importance.
Among the many effects of the summer rains is the repetitive flooding of the San Pedro River. The river grows rapidly after every major rainfall, sending torrents of flood water downstream. These floods are of great benefit to the riparian forests that line portions of the river’s banks, for they enable the cottonwood and willow trees to continue thriving as they recharge vitally important aquifers. These aquifers nurture the riparian forests and supply water for domestic and agricultural wells.
July brings the ripening of mesquite pods (or “beans”). This year, a good crop has literally covered the floor of the bosque. These pods – high in sugars, proteins, and fats – are a pivotally important food source for an incredibly long list of native creatures. Few, if any, native plants are more important or more beneficial than mesquite to this valley floor ecosystem.
In response to the photoperiod and summer’s warmth, rains, and raised humidity, many species of fungi reveal fruiting bodies. Among the most spectacular are growths of polypore mushrooms that emerge from the trunks of certain trees…
Due to a near absence of monsoon rainfall, the floor of our mesquite bosque has been barren of understory plants for the past two years. The great gift of this month’s rains have brought the color of life back to the land, vivid green that feeds my soul while providing food and cover for many living things from microbes to vertebrates. With just a few more rain storms, this mantle of new growth is capable of rising quickly to heights of six feet or more.