I am happy to report that the Middle San Pedro Valley has finally received some summer rain! This has been a very dry summer – during July and August, we have received only .63 inches of rain. Most of that has occurred during the past four days. The summer “monsoon” season is what literally defines this ecosystem – enabling much of the rich assemblage of plant and animal species that makes this part of Arizona such a remarkable place.
Despite the extended drought, the velvet mesquite trees in the local bosque have put on a tremendous spurt of foliar growth this year. Additionally, the trees have flowered three times since spring. As I write this, the ground under the trees is plastered with a heavy crop of “beans,” the nutrition-packed seed pods that are one of the cornerstone food sources for our wildlife. How can this happen during such a bone-dry, hot spring and summer? The answer is rooted in last year’s very wet monsoon season. Mesquites have a remarkable ability to move rainwater down their roots, where they store it at depth for later use. That’s right; these trees can move water in both directions in their root systems! The big bean crop owes its genesis to last year’s stored rain water.
Wind plays a pivotal role in the ecology of velvet mesquite trees. When the seed pods are ripe, winds accompanying rain storms can release astounding quantities of pods in very short periods of time. Pods on the ground then become available to all wildlife, not just the species that climb trees. Mesquites depend upon animals to remove the tough outer seed coating by chewing and gnawing on the pods. The seeds of mesquite trees are able to germinate only after the outer husk is removed. This beautiful bumblebee appeared last week, an uncommon insect in local bosques. The ecology of bumblebees is intimately woven around the activities of small rodents. Local bumblebees make their colonial nests in the abandoned underground nests of mice and kangaroo rats.
Iridescent scales glitter on the back of this Clark’s spiny lizard, at rest in the shade of my ramada on a 108°F. day. Prime habitat for this species are mesquite bosques, where the trees offer an abundance of shade and escape routes from predators. Clark’s spiny lizards can climb trees with the speed and agility of an over-caffeinated squirrel.
Within the sheltered confines of a small depression in the joined trunks of two mesquites is a small rodent’s dining room – in this case, likely an Ord’s kangaroo rat. Note the many chewed fragments of mesquite pods. Kangaroo rats and many species of mice prefer such places to gnaw on their foods.
As of this writing, the raven family is still together as the trio of young birds explore their new world, constantly learning from their devoted parents. That’s papa Mike in the foreground, Mavis in the background, and their rowdy, inquisitive kids in between.
Mavis eyes up one of her favorite foods. Large eggs like this one must be held in the bird’s beak with skill and finesse. She sauntered off with this one, walking some 90 feet into the bsoque, then gently dropped the egg, dug a hole, placed the egg into the hole, then covered it with soil and duff. The spatial cognition and spatial memory of ravens is astounding. Hundreds of food items get stashed in tree crotches or buried for later use – with uncanny ability, the ravens remember where every one of them is hidden. This morning brought us a seldom-seen spectacular visitor in the form of this Gila monster that was crawling along the foundation of our home.
When viewed dorsally, the reticulated patterns on the backs of Gila monsters really stand out – patterns that are mirrored in the art of many native southwestern cultures and tribes. No two Gila monsters are patterned alike, so photographs can identify specific individuals. This one is an adult, about 14 1/2 inches in length.
The four young Chihuahuan ravens that were hatched this spring in a nearby mesquite tree have been exploring every nook and cranny of their expanding world. One of the four youngsters is a rare bird indeed, for it has a pied bill. (“Pied” simply refers to an object or creature that has two or more differing colors.) Both common and Chihuahuan ravens have black bills as adults. It will be interesting to see if this particular raven retains the pied colors on its bill as it matures into adulthood. The bills of its three siblings look quite different; they are well on their way to becoming fully black.
The young raven sporting a very unusual pied bill.In comparison to any of its siblings, the pied-billed bird really stands out.
On the third day of July, this desperately parched, drought-stricken landscape received the first measurable rainfall in many months. Our rain gauge registered a total of 1.47 inches from two storms that arrived in the afternoon and late evening. Summer “monsoon” rains are an exceptionally important aspect of southeastern Arizona’s ecology. The summer rains spark a surge of new plant growth, enable many insects and amphibians to reproduce, feed the trees, recharge critically important aquifers, and much more. Life blossoms on this land after the gift of rain.
The “snowbirds” (part-time residents) who run out of Arizona every spring and scamper back in the winter never have a chance to experience the glory and magic of the famed summer monsoon season. So much happens in Arizona’s natural world during summer. Many creatures that are difficult or nearly impossible to see during the other seasons make special appearances during the monsoon. Among these creatures are red velvet mites.
Red velvet mites remain hidden underground during most of the year, where they seek refuge in silk-lined tunnels. Only after a summer rain do these giants appear on the surface of the ground.
The word “mite” should immediately conjure images of very, very tiny creatures. Most mites measure under a millimeter in length. Velvet mites (classified in the family Trombidiidae) are among the world’s largest mites. Some species approach one half inch in length; the one in the photograph is about a quarter of an inch long. They are nearly impossible to miss, as their brilliant red color contrasts sharply with their surroundings. Mites are very important constituents of soil fauna and thereby play essential roles in many terrestrial ecosystems. Some mites even have a place in human medicine. Oils extracted from one species of velvet mite native to India have been traditionally used to treat victims of paralysis.
photo caption: An emergence of thousands of winged termites from a gap between two cement slabs on the morning of July 4th, just after our first summer rain.
Every summer, on the first morning following the first substantial rainfall, termites erupt in synchrony by the millions from their subterranean dwellings in a united, landscape-wide orgy of reproductive zeal. Winged males and new, winged queens flood from their underground homes to take wing, mate, and disperse across the land. This event is one of spectacular importance, for termites are among the most essential and beneficial creatures in this entire desert ecosystem. They are primary decomposers, able to break down cellulose and thereby recycle plant materials into the soil. Without them, the health of this living landscape would be in serious trouble.
A closer look reveals a mass of gossamer-winged termites – new queens and males – known as alates. They arise from these masses in great numbers like curtains of smoke, dispersing, mating, and flying off to start new colonies. After mating, the insects lose their wings, structures that evolved for the sole purpose of dispersal and genetic interchange.
Monsoon rains also bring many other creatures out of hiding. Tarantulas are common here, but they are not easy to find except during the summer, when rains stimulate them to leave their burrows in order to forage and find a mate. These huge spiders are formidable, armed with a pair of long, sharply hooked fangs and stinging hairs on their abdomens. It is hard to imagine eating a spider that is large enough to fill the palm of one’s hand, but there are a few brave creatures here who regard tarantulas as dinner items…
Sonoran desert toads are common valley residents here along the San Pedro River. They are the largest toads native to the United States, reaching lengths of nearly eight inches. This rare image was photographed by a friend as the toad was in the process of ingesting a daunting meal, an adult tarantula.
There is more to the above photograph than meets the eye. Frogs and toads possess remarkable viscoelastic tongues that fire from their mouths with great speed to catch their prey. Their tongues have a unique saliva that is phenomenally sticky; so sticky that some frogs in the genus Ceratophrys can haul in prey weighing more than themselves. This brings forth a question: how does a frog or toad get the prey item off of its sticky tongue once it is inside the amphibian’s mouth, so that it can be swallowed?
Alexis C. Noel, a Georgia Tech Ph.D. student specializing in biomechanics, published a scientific paper in 2017 documenting her research on the remarkable attributes of amphibian tongues and their saliva. What she discovered is physically, chemically, and biologically amazing…
Frog and toad saliva is a non-Newtonian fluid; the viscosity of the fluid can change based on how it is moved. When a frog’s tongue extends to impact a prey item, the saliva changes to a much more watery consistency, so that it can very rapidly coat the prey item and adhere to every part of the prey. As the impact slows to a stop and the tongue retracts into the mouth, the saliva returns to its normal thick, goopy consistency. This all happens in fractions of a second with incredible speed.
I recall watching many frogs and toads consume food items, mostly insects. Once the tongue returns inside the mouth with the prey item, the frog or toad retracts its eyeballs into its oral cavity, pushing the prey against the tongue. The push helps to release the prey from the tongue so it can be swallowed.
This was one of those things that had to be seen to be believed. Recently, a friend sent me an email with some attached photographs of Chihuahuan ravens that he had taken in early May here in the valley. He kindly gave me permission to post his images on this blog.
There are some things that go beyond the “once-in-a-lifetime” category. Seeing a Chihuahuan raven with brown wings and tail surely must qualify.
In another instance, my friend was able to photograph a dispute between two ravens. The images appear to indicate a serious altercation. Such events are witnessed very rarely; even more rarely are they captured on a camera. I do not know what caused the aggression. It is nesting season for our local ravens. Perhaps one of the birds had tried to raid the nest of the other one, or was this a male vs. male squabble over a female? Only they know.
Two male ravens engaged in an uncommonly serious dispute. In all my years of watching ravens, I have never seen anything quite like this.Note the thick, heavy necks and heads on these adult Chihuahuan ravens. One way to tell the sexes apart is via such characteristics.
Late in the evening of April 17th, new sounds could be heard emanating from the surrounding mesquite bosque. Barely audible but familiar from prior years, the sounds were raspy, tremulous, unique. They were the first thin cries of hatchling ravens, born to none other than our pair of resident Chihuahuan ravens, Mike and Mavis. This new brood marks their seventh successful nesting on our property and their first in the new nest (described in my previous blog post). As always, we are honored to share habitat with these regal birds. We look forward to watching them raise and teach their young. Few North American birds spend as much time rearing and educating their young as ravens do.
The demands of a raven’s day-to-day life reach a crescendo during nesting season. After the chicks have hatched, both parent birds spend their days defending the nest from predators and making countless trips back and forth to bring food and water to their young. Nestling birds require amazing amounts of food at frequent intervals. Here, the mother raven is about to abscond with a tasty block of suet.
The past year has been the driest I have ever witnessed in southeastern Arizona. Last year’s crucial summer rains barely happened here in the Middle San Pedro River Valley, and the following winter rains were extremely sparse. The landscape is desperately dry, even for a desert, so signs of spring have been more welcome than ever. One of them appeared several weeks ago when a black swallowtail flew in to get a drink from a muddy patch of soil near one of our bird water dishes. Butterflies play very important roles in the ecology of this ecosystem. They grace our lives with their flight and their remarkable beauty.
A black swallowtail, (Papilio polyxenes), gets a drink from a patch of wet soil. Caterpillars of this species can be found primarily on plants in the parsley family.
Another sign of the changing seasons was the emergence of a beetle known as the fiery searcher. Just over an inch in length, these beetles display gorgeous coloration; an indigo-purple head, thorax, and legs with emerald green, iridescent elytra (wing coverings). This marked the first time that I have ever encountered this species here in a mesquite woodland. Usually, I find them in the riparian cottonwood-willow forests along the San Pedro River.
A fiery searcher, (Calosoma scrutator ). This insect is classified within the family Carabidae, the ground beetles. Fiery searchers are active during the day, hunting caterpillars and grubs. The species pictured here manufactures noxious chemical compounds for defense; they smell horrendous and probably taste just as bad to potential predators.
Another certain sign of spring is the emergence of reptiles. A few weeks ago, I had a surprise when I retrieved a wheelbarrow from an open shed. I always keep wheelbarrows flipped over so that rain water cannot accumulate inside and rust them out. When I flipped the wheelbarrow over, here is what I found…
This western diamondback had discovered a safe, dark place to hide in, until I needed the wheelbarrow.
I have found rattlesnakes under my wheelbarrows more than once in the past. All snakes – including rattlesnakes – are always welcome on our land. We never kill them. Once in a rare while, I will capture and move one to a safer locale, but usually I simply let them be, like this one. I do my best to respect all life!
A closer look at the formerly hidden snake. Rattlesnakes at rest almost invariably assume this characteristic, circular posture. With respect to most species, snakes can be readily identified by their markings and coloration. Rattlesnakes, gopher snakes, and many other snakes can be recognized even further, as distinct individuals. The markings on their heads and necks are individually unique, much like our fingerprints.
Yesterday, another sign of spring showed up nearby, a beautiful glossy snake. They are among the most common snakes in local mesquite bosques. Glossy snakes can reach lengths approaching four feet and feed on mice, kangaroo rats, lizards, and other snakes.
Glossy snakes are commonly mistaken for gopher snakes. One of several ways to tell them apart is that gopher snakes have keeled scales on their backs, whereas all of the scales on glossy snakes are smooth. Their technical moniker is hard to forget: Arizona elegans. The whitish object in the upper left quadrant of the image is a velvet mesquite bean.
The local stands of mesquite furnish very high quality firewood in addition to providing crucially important habitat to numerous wildlife species. Recently, a dead mesquite was felled here on our place that was threatening to crush one of our buildings if it were allowed to fall naturally. I sawed it into firewood. Other dead trees are left standing, for they are very important to many living creatures and to the health of the soil that they will eventually become a part of.
We live in an age when most adults and even our children are soft, weak, and overweight. Machines now do much of our work for us, and recreation often consists of vegetating in front of a computer screen or playing sedentary video games. A little physical work will always do a body good. I have felled, bucked, hauled, and stacked more firewood than I can ever recall. My decades in Montana always included a demand for at least eight cords of wood annually. Even here in southern Arizona, winters get chilly and a warm wood stove can be a real comfort on frosty nights.