I am happy to report that the Middle San Pedro Valley has finally received some summer rain! This has been a very dry summer – during July and August, we have received only .63 inches of rain. Most of that has occurred during the past four days. The summer “monsoon” season is what literally defines this ecosystem – enabling much of the rich assemblage of plant and animal species that makes this part of Arizona such a remarkable place.
Despite the extended drought, the velvet mesquite trees in the local bosque have put on a tremendous spurt of foliar growth this year. Additionally, the trees have flowered three times since spring. As I write this, the ground under the trees is plastered with a heavy crop of “beans,” the nutrition-packed seed pods that are one of the cornerstone food sources for our wildlife. How can this happen during such a bone-dry, hot spring and summer? The answer is rooted in last year’s very wet monsoon season. Mesquites have a remarkable ability to move rainwater down their roots, where they store it at depth for later use. That’s right; these trees can move water in both directions in their root systems! The big bean crop owes its genesis to last year’s stored rain water.
Wind plays a pivotal role in the ecology of velvet mesquite trees. When the seed pods are ripe, winds accompanying rain storms can release astounding quantities of pods in very short periods of time. Pods on the ground then become available to all wildlife, not just the species that climb trees. Mesquites depend upon animals to remove the tough outer seed coating by chewing and gnawing on the pods. The seeds of mesquite trees are able to germinate only after the outer husk is removed. This beautiful bumblebee appeared last week, an uncommon insect in local bosques. The ecology of bumblebees is intimately woven around the activities of small rodents. Local bumblebees make their colonial nests in the abandoned underground nests of mice and kangaroo rats.
Iridescent scales glitter on the back of this Clark’s spiny lizard, at rest in the shade of my ramada on a 108°F. day. Prime habitat for this species are mesquite bosques, where the trees offer an abundance of shade and escape routes from predators. Clark’s spiny lizards can climb trees with the speed and agility of an over-caffeinated squirrel.
Within the sheltered confines of a small depression in the joined trunks of two mesquites is a small rodent’s dining room – in this case, likely an Ord’s kangaroo rat. Note the many chewed fragments of mesquite pods. Kangaroo rats and many species of mice prefer such places to gnaw on their foods.
As of this writing, the raven family is still together as the trio of young birds explore their new world, constantly learning from their devoted parents. That’s papa Mike in the foreground, Mavis in the background, and their rowdy, inquisitive kids in between.
Mavis eyes up one of her favorite foods. Large eggs like this one must be held in the bird’s beak with skill and finesse. She sauntered off with this one, walking some 90 feet into the bsoque, then gently dropped the egg, dug a hole, placed the egg into the hole, then covered it with soil and duff. The spatial cognition and spatial memory of ravens is astounding. Hundreds of food items get stashed in tree crotches or buried for later use – with uncanny ability, the ravens remember where every one of them is hidden. This morning brought us a seldom-seen spectacular visitor in the form of this Gila monster that was crawling along the foundation of our home.
When viewed dorsally, the reticulated patterns on the backs of Gila monsters really stand out – patterns that are mirrored in the art of many native southwestern cultures and tribes. No two Gila monsters are patterned alike, so photographs can identify specific individuals. This one is an adult, about 14 1/2 inches in length.
glad you have mesquite beans matured. Crop failure here off of Palominas Rd. Trees did their part with flowers, little pollination, some late season green beans now on trees but my experience has been that the late season ones do not mature to the nice light tan.
I’ve been meaning to ask you how many Ravens hatched. I wasn’t sure if it was 3 or 4. The young ones are quite noisy and typically announce themselves. Now I’m thinking the 4th is Mike or Mavis being the ever watchful, devoted parent. I’ve been calling the adults Daily & Daisy for as long as I can remember. Pretty sure they’re your Mike & Mavis.
Regards and hope all is well en la casa!
Excellent blog Ralph, so interesting about those sometimes misunderstood Mesquite Trees. They have the ability to move water up or down. The legumes they provide are nutritious and every animal benefits from them in one way or another.
Great to see a Gila Monster in our neck of the Bosque.
glad you have mesquite beans matured. Crop failure here off of Palominas Rd. Trees did their part with flowers, little pollination, some late season green beans now on trees but my experience has been that the late season ones do not mature to the nice light tan.
I’ve been meaning to ask you how many Ravens hatched. I wasn’t sure if it was 3 or 4. The young ones are quite noisy and typically announce themselves. Now I’m thinking the 4th is Mike or Mavis being the ever watchful, devoted parent. I’ve been calling the adults Daily & Daisy for as long as I can remember. Pretty sure they’re your Mike & Mavis.
Regards and hope all is well en la casa!
Excellent blog Ralph, so interesting about those sometimes misunderstood Mesquite Trees. They have the ability to move water up or down. The legumes they provide are nutritious and every animal benefits from them in one way or another.
Great to see a Gila Monster in our neck of the Bosque.