Among the most important components that power the machinery of forest life are insects – beetles in particular play crucial ecological roles in forests. One of the largest beetle families is the Buprestidae, represented by nearly 16,000 species. These creatures are known as “jewel beetles” due to their family’s spectacular array of iridescent colors and patterns. The insect pictured above is one dazzling example, native to the coniferous forests of the Rocky Mountains.

In most living organisms, iridescence is enabled by pigmentation. Jewel beetles are different – their iridescence is structural in origin; microscopic texturing on the surfaces of their exoskeletons selectively reflects specific frequencies of light while absorbing others.
Most jewel beetles lay their eggs on dead or dying trees. Once the eggs hatch, the beetle larvae go to work, chewing their way through the wood. They leave a maze of tunnels in their wake. Some species of jewel beetles will lay their eggs only on freshly burned trees. These specialized insects are known as pyrophiles (literally, “fire loving”). Forest fires create a nearly instant Shagri-la for them.

Pyrophilous jewel beetles have evolved specialized extra-large wing muscles to enable long distance flights to wildfire sites. These beetles have a way of finding burned trees that borders on the miraculous…

When they fly, these beetles hold their bodies at an angle, in order to orient their underside to the direction of travel. Minuscule texturing on the ventral side of the insect’s thorax functions mechanically in response to incredibly faint traces of infrared radiation (heat). Infrared radiation causes a pressure differential to occur in the thorax texturing. This fires neurons, sending a message to the beetle’s brain. The message says “fly in this direction and you will find a smorgasbord of freshly killed trees to provide food for your offspring.” What is even more amazing is that these insects can detect the heat given off by fires at distances up to fifty miles! (research conducted by Dr. H.P. Bustami and associates at the University of Bonn [in Germany] brought this astounding facet of jewel beetle biology to light.)

This relationship between forests, fire, and beetles has been going on for countless millennia. However, people often take a dim view of beetle larvae drilling tunnels in trees, claiming that this ruins otherwise “valuable” wood. Such anthropocentric views are myopic, for they exclude the needs of all other living things and turn a blind eye toward the ecology of forests. Jewel beetles benefit forests as agents of decomposition; the tunnels that their larvae bore in dead trees provide important open pathways for other insects and for the introduction of fungal spores. The tunnels facilitate the exchange of gasses in the wood and furnish the perfect moist, insulated, dark environ for fungi to take hold. Fungi are crucially important to living trees, to the health of the soil, and for their leading role in the recycling of nutrients via the decomposition of dead trees and other organic detritus. No forest on Earth can exist without fungi and decomposition.

Here in the desert southwest, jewel beetles are usually easy to find almost any place where trees are present. I have also found them rather often in upland desert habitats – areas that are essentially treeless. Buprestid beetles fly into these places seeking nectar and pollen meals from the wildflowers and flowering shrubs that grow there. Thus, they provide another important ecological function by acting as pollinators.