Baby Turtle, a Giant Bug, Hidden Rattlesnake, and More

baby box turtle

9/13/2020 The past week has brought us many fascinating sights and sounds here in our southeastern Arizona landscape. One of my neighbors discovered a very young ornate box turtle on his property just a few days ago. For almost two decades, I have been seeing ornate box turtles in this valley, but something soon became puzzling about them. 

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Box turtles this tiny are a very rare sight locally. Box turtle photos courtesy of Gilbert Urias.

In all my time here, I have yet to see a single individual that is not of adult size. No hatchlings, no young, no pint-sized box turtles. I have thought for some time that they have been having trouble reproducing successfully in this area, so these images are nice to see! 

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A giant mesquite bug, clinging to my screen door. The “screening” is actually 1/8-inch hardware cloth, giving a good depiction of the scale of this lumbering insect.

A giant mesquite bug (Thasus neocalifornicus) appeared on our screen door. This actually is a true bug, a Hemipteran. The growth stages of this large insect involve several iterations as bright red social nymphs. Only in their final stage of their development do these insects become solitary and grow wings that enable flight.

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Mike the Raven came to visit us this morning, as always. A full essay about him and his mate, Mavis, appears in my new book, The Life of the San Pedro River.

This has been a stellar week for bird sightings. Many migrant species are passing through, or arriving to spend the winter. Among the new arrivals here the past week have been calliope, rufous, Allen’s, broad-tailed, and Anna’s hummingbirds, Nashville, black-throated gray, Townsend’s, Virginia’s, and Wilson’s warblers, lazuli, varied, and indigo buntings,  Brewer’s, clay-colored, vesper, chipping, and savannah sparrows, a lark bunting, and more. This morning, as always, our resident pair of ravens, Mike and Mavis, came to visit, along with a female Cooper’s hawk that spent many minutes bathing in one of our bird watering dishes. 

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This Cooper’s hawk arrived during mid-morning to scatter a group of feeding songbirds.

Cooper’s hawks are exceptionally agile, quick, alert predators that fly with more than enough finesse to catch songbirds on the wing in dense cover. When small birds go to sleep for the night, Cooper’s hawks must color their nightmares! 

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Perched in a velvet mesquite tree, the hawk dried and preened its feathers.
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Not far from where the hawk was bathing, this western diamondback rattlesnake lay coiled in a typical, circular resting position, not easy to see in the undergrowth.

Our days have been very hazy this week, the sunsets a surreal deep, dusky orange, even the moon has glazed over with smoky orange hues. For Arizonans, the smoke-filled skies are a daily reminder of the horrors that are transpiring in neighboring California as the worst fire season in history wreaks utter havoc across the state. My heart goes out to all Californians, for I know what it is like to suddenly leave home not knowing if it will be there upon our return. Huge wildfires and evacuations were a part of our lives more than a few times when we lived in Montana. May the people of California stay out of harm’s way, and may the rains come!

5 thoughts on “Baby Turtle, a Giant Bug, Hidden Rattlesnake, and More”

  1. Dad,
    You should have started blogging DECADES ago. You essentially have been doing this- via emails, letters, and journals, for your entire life, and blogging is an excellent way to share your insight with the world….. without actually having to deal with the world, lol. I love this, and I love you!

    1. I am thrilled to hear from you Spring! I am
      glad you like the blog…it takes a lot of time.
      I am waiting with vast impatience to hear
      from my daughter about her opinions of
      her Dad’s new book, once she has finished
      reading it. 🙂
      Your Dad 🙂

  2. Well done you mighty hose head!
    I still miss the hikes in Glacier and the rest of Montana that we did when I was younger. Your love of the great outdoors definitely rubbed off only wish I had more time to get out and enjoy it more…. so for now I will see it through your eyes…. keep on Blogging I truly enjoyed reading it!

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